You updated to Xinet 2019.1 or 2020.1 some time ago and now need to edit or review the contents of the template PHP Configuration files (such as local.inc.php) for custom development work. You notice that you are unable to open the files due to them being Zend encoded.
On the initial releases of Xinet 2019.1 and 2020.1, the template PHP config files were incorrectly Zend encoded. This has been corrected (as of Xinet 2020.1.1) within the Xinet installation packages currently available within the Xinet Reseller Portal downloads section. Now, the templates include clear text PHP files.
If the Template config files on your Portal Server are showing as Zend encoded, it is advised to re-download the Xinet Portal installer for your version from the Xinet Partner Portal and reinstall this with the included install script. After reinstalling Portal, you can correctly open and edit all of the template PHP files.
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