Chrome extension does not react to "Reveal" and "Open" in macOS 10.14


Xinet CM extension for Google Chrome does not react to "Reveal" and "Open" inputs on macOS 10.14. The following error message appears in Java Console:

Failed to launch 'com-xinet-cm-reveal-high://**.**.***.**/PORTAL/MVIEW.php?spreadnumber=0&id=*&path=...' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.

Reinstalling the extension, clearing cookies, and restarting the computer does not solve the issue.



The error message suggests that the Contextual Menu app is not installed in the Mac OS. The app is part of the Pilot package and it's installed when installing the Safari CM Extension. Google Chrome Xinet XM extension looks for the app in the system and uses it to display the assets which need to be mounted via AFP protocol.

  1. Verify that the Contextual Menu app is installed using the following command in terminal: grep -rnw /Library/Services -e 'Contextual Menu'. If the app is installed properly, the following message should be displayed: inline-1350179271__1_.png
  2. If it is not installed, install the package following the steps from this article on Installing Xinet Pilot on a Mac OS Client Machine. Make sure to install Xinet CM Safari Extension (you don't need to enable it).



Open the Xinet CM extension and make sure the error no longer appears.



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