Requesting a Demo License


This article describes the process of requesting a demo license for Xinet.



To request a demo license, please submit a ticket to NorthPlains Xinet Support selecting "Licensing > Demo License" as the request type and providing the following information.


1. Reseller Name
2. Customer Company Name
3. Email address that will receive the license key (In case that’s not you)
4. Account Manager Name
5. Hardware ID
6. Serial Number (This can be found in the menu “License > Xinet license” or when trying to install a new license in the "Xinet serial number for this server" field. In the case of a new annual subscription, please use "0" and we will generate a serial number.)
7. Number of users that will use/authenticate against the system: 32 | 64 | 128 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | Other
9. Xinet Version
10. Studio (telescope): Yes | No
11. License Type: Standard | Redundant | B | C | SDK




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