Missing XinetSMB Module Version for Upgraded Samba (SMB)


You have installed Samba (SMB) from the Yum repositories directly while updating Xinet, and the SMB connection is no longer working. You check the Samba version and discover that it is now on a later release, and there is no matching XinetSMB package within the Xinet Installer. 

When running the Xinet Installer, you receive a message that says, "WARNING: Unable to find Xinet SMB installer for OS with Samba x.y.z."



With the newer releases of Xinet, there have been several new Samba Versions Supported.

Starting in Xinet 2020.7, support for Samba 4.10 was added, and in 2021.5, Samba 4.12 support was introduced. Along with these new supported versions, a XinetSMB module for the new Samba versions is packaged with the Xinet Installers. The Xinet installation script will automatically check for and install the equivalent or closest version of Samba installed on the server. 

If you encounter trouble with the wrong XinetSMB module being selected, you can use either of the steps below to address this:

  1. Manual Module Installation
    1. If you are encountering this on a single server, you can select and manually install the version of the XinetSMB that matches the major release of Samba you are running.
    2. For example, for Samba 4.10.16, the XinetSMB 4.10.4 module can be unpacked to run the included install script manually.
  2. Rename and Re-package
    1. Suppose you intend to share the Xinet installation package with an end-user and use the automated installation for ease of installation. In that case, you can instead rename the correct XinetSMB package for the end-users Samba version. Once renamed, you can re-package the whole installer and share this with your end-users.
    2. For example, after unpacking the Xinet Installer, rename XinetSMB_1.4_RedHat7_Samba4.10.4.tar.gz to XinetSMB_1.4_RedHat7_Samba4.10.16.tar.gz before re-packaging and sharing.
    3. Note: This change works due to the Xinet installer script checking the XinetSMB package names.
Note: As the RHEL/CentOS 7 repositories no longer contain versions of Samba older than 4.10.x, it is suggested that you Upgrade your Xinet Server on RHEL/CentOS 7 to version 2020.7 or later. 

If you cannot upgrade and require an earlier release of Xinet, you can compile and install your desired release using the source code available from Samba Release History. Contact your System Admin for assistance with this process.


Helping customers compile and install 3rd-party source code is not something we support, but you may need to be familiar with the process (for example, when testing older releases). See How to compile and install Samba from Source, as needed.




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