Sharing SMB Subfolders


There might be cases where you want to grant access to a volume for a group of users (e.g., access to /DATA/Producers to all the producer users), but at the same time you want to restrict one subfolder specifically to one user (e.g., access to /DATA/Producers/DataForEdward/ to only Edward’s user).

Such configuration is not supported out of the box by Xinet, but it can be set up by following the steps below.




  1. Open the Samba configuration file, which is located in the following path:
  2. Add the following configuration blocks to your smb.conf file:
    1. For the parent folder available to all users (in this example, /DATA/Producers):
      path = /DATA/Producers
      writeable = yes
      browseable = yes
      vfs objects = xinetnamespace,xinetfilehandling
      veto files = /.HSResource/.HSancillary/.HSIcon/.HSfidw/.HSxmap/TheFindByContentFolder/TheVolumeSettingsFolder/NetworkTrash Folder/.TemporaryItems/.DS_Store/.VolumeIcon.icns
      delete veto files = yes
      hide dot files = yes
      read only = yes
      guest ok = no
      create mask = 777
      directory mask = 777
      comment = smbOnlyProducers
      valid users = wnv
      write list = wnv
      Replace the value for the path variable with the folder you would like to restrict the access.

    2. For the subfolder available to only one user (in this example, /DATA/Producers/DataForEdward):
      path = /DATA/Producers/DataForEdward
      writeable = yes
      browseable = yes
      vfs objects = xinetnamespace,xinetfilehandling
      veto files = /.HSResource/.HSancillary/.HSIcon/.HSfidw/.HSxmap/TheFindByContentFolder/TheVolumeSettingsFolder/NetworkTrash Folder/.TemporaryItems/.DS_Store/.VolumeIcon.icns
      delete veto files = yes
      hide dot files = yes
      create mask = 0777
      directory mask = 0777
      comment = smbOnlyProducerEdward
      valid users = Edward
      write list = Edward
      Replace the value for the path variable with the subfolder you would like to enable access to only one user.
      Replace the values for valid users and write list variables with the ID of the user which will have exclusive access to the folder. In our example, we provided access only to the user named Edward.
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Restart the Samba service with the following command
    systemctl restart smb.service




The subfolder will only be accessible via SMB for the user you specified (in our example Edward).


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