Locating the AD Module for newer RHEL/CentOS Linux and Apache versions


Customers may encounter a '403 Forbidden' error when directly accessing the updated AD module links for more recent RHEL/CentOS or Apache releases, such as RHEL 9 and Apache 2.4.53. The older AD Modules for previous releases are not working in your updated environment.



To resolve this issue, download the updated AD Apache module from the installer compressed zip for your release (ex. Xinet-2023.6.4.105-release-LINUX-9), available at the release portal. The required file can be found inside this folder, 'mod_auth_xinet2.so', which will be compatible with the RHEL version the installer package was created for.



Q1: What causes the '403 Forbidden' error when directly accessing the AD module files?
A: The direct links for the AD module are not intended for public access; instead, they are provided with their associated release.

Q2: Where can I find the updated AD Apache module?
A: The updated AD Apache module can be downloaded from the installer compressed zip for your version of Xinet, available at the release portal.

Q3: What specific file must I look for in the downloaded folder?
A: Within the installer archive, you will find the 'mod_auth_xinet2.so' compatible with your version of RHEL.



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