Overview This article provides a solution for limiting viewing access to specific assets in a particular communal folder to different groups. With the usual hide functionality, you would need to tag e...
Overview When running the 2019.1.0 version of Xinet, you experience issues with creating zipped archives of assets. Attempting to generate archives from the command line fails with a Segmentation Faul...
Overview You experience problems with facets disappearing, occasionally showing as Solr facets or quick filters with empty boxes when clicking in the navigator panel or browse area. Solution This be...
Overview When processing PDF files in PDF Image Replacement (IR) print queue, the resulting PDF file name is different from the original. All whitespaces are replaced with underscores (_). This behavi...
Overview On Xinet 2020.7, you notice that disabling the View Comments or Edit Comments options for your Xinet Volumes does not properly hide this field within the asset details pane within Xinet Porta...
Overview While managing your InDesign (.indd) assets within Xinet Portal, you notice that the Add all items to collection button is not correctly adding all of the linked files to the collection. On a...
Overview When adding files to a volume with Remove previews from files' Resource after storing in DB selected as seen on the image below, there is still data added to the resource fork. Downloading th...
Overview Your Windows users who use Office Apps cannot save files to the SMB Volumes on the server directly. Saving the affected files to a local folder produces a working file as expected, but attemp...